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0 Replies and 6634 Views Redefinition of type coding  6634  0 Started by  Dennis Kristensen Dear all We have a request to redefine the code for all values across all tables. Especially for units there are examples of a unit having different codes in different tables. To avoid any confusion, we suggest unifying the code applied across of tables. Further, to avoid any confusion as to which version data is submitted in, we also suggest changing the format they are submitted in. We suggest all codes be defined with three characters. Example: 001 – IU/mL 015 – g/L Etc. Any comments...
0 6634
16 Mar 2020 04:07 PM
0 Replies and 6731 Views art-rs  6731  0 Started by  Sanne Thomsen ART_RS and MED_RS are almost the same, but ART_RS has 2 additional reasons: 92.6 - End of empiric treatment 1.5 - Resistance (based on test result) Please add these to MED_RS, so that ART_RS and MED_RS are the same.
0 6731
16 Mar 2020 01:26 PM
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