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Last Post 19 Sep 2012 12:00 AM by  SuperUser Account
HICDEP 1.60 changes
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SuperUser Account

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19 Sep 2012 12:00 AM

    As discussed in the last TC, I have updated the ChangeLog to describe the HICDEP 1.60 changes.

    Pending a few minor issues, I will issue a release candidate next week, including a downloadable PDF.

    Once the release candidate is out, the release process will roughly follow the ReleaseProcess outlined by Simon:

    • WP4 members should forward the release candidate to any data managers or researchers they know who might have valuable feedback.
    • As there is no TC scheduled, WP4 members should post an acknowledgement of the changes, whether any issues are found or not.
    • 3 Weeks after the release candidate, the wiki pages will be frozen.
    • If any issues were found or a TC was requested during that time, a TC will be scheduled for a week after.
    • If the release candidate is accepted it will be finalized and released, and a new set of pages will be created for the next draft version.

    Best regards, Mark

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