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5 Replies and 10917 Views Branded or generic drugs  10917  5 Started by  SuperUser Account Hi everyone, In the ART-CC we would like to identify whether ARV drugs being taken by patients were branded or generic. We are aware of a handful of cohorts who collect this information, but cannot see a way in HICDEP to capture this information in data transfers. If any cohorts collect these data could you let us know what format it is in Or if anyone has any suggestions for collecting these data in a harmonised fashion then that would be useful as well. On a phone call with Monique and ...
5 10917
by  Robert ZangerleJump to last post
12 May 2019 09:13 AM
3 Replies and 8242 Views tblART new codes to ART_ID  8242  3 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all tblART - we have requests for adding new ATC codes to ART_ID field. The codes and description can be found in the attached document. Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
3 8242
by  Robert ZangerleJump to last post
28 Apr 2019 04:04 PM
2 Replies and 7874 Views New tables: tblART_ADH and tblMED_ADH  7874  2 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all We propose to add new tables containing information on patients adherece to therapy. This applies to both ART and MED so all in all we propose the two new tables shown in the attached document: tblART_ADH and tblMED_ADH Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
2 7874
by  Stephany DudaJump to last post
14 Mar 2019 04:53 AM
2 Replies and 7855 Views tblBAS redesign of ETHNIC field  7855  2 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all We propose to redesign tblBAS field ETHNIC, as it is viewed as no longer reflecting how etnicity is viewed upon and worked with. We would like to change the coding to three characters, shown in the attached table to the left (the existing code is shown to the right under Old Code). In order to ensure backwards compabatability we have included all previous options and as far as possible we have tried to link the new and old codes. We also had a request for adding aborigines. Any su...
2 7855
by  Stephany DudaJump to last post
14 Mar 2019 04:40 AM
2 Replies and 7821 Views tblVIS request for new GENDER_ID code  7821  2 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all, We got a request for addition of a code to be included in GENDER_ID. The suggestion is to include 6=Non-binary Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
2 7821
by  Stephany DudaJump to last post
14 Mar 2019 04:29 AM
2 Replies and 7765 Views tblBAS update GENDER  7765  2 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all, Gender is collected in both tblBAS (field GENDER) and tblVIS (field GENDER_ID) We suggest updating tblBAS: 1. Rename GENDER to GENDER_ID 2. Add codes, so that it matches field GENDER_ID in tblVIS 1 = Male 2 = Female 3 = Transgender male 4 = Transgender female 5 = Other (6 = non-binary) 9 = Unknown Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
2 7765
by  Stephany DudaJump to last post
14 Mar 2019 04:29 AM
4 Replies and 7766 Views tblCEP: include fractures in CEP_ID and corresponding codes to CEP_SPEC and CEP_V  7766  4 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all We have a request for the possibility to specify where a fracture is located. Fractures are reported in tblCEP, so we propose adding codes to CEP_SPEC, for CEP_ID = FRA. Alongside fracture location we also propose adding the corresponding options to field CEP_V. Please see attached document. Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
4 7766
by  Max BuchtJump to last post
04 Mar 2019 03:21 PM
1 Replies and 6853 Views New table: tblLAB_HCV  6853  1 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all We propose to add a new table, containing information on HCV genotype and subtype. Please find the proposed table in the attached document. Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
1 6853
by  Max BuchtJump to last post
04 Mar 2019 03:14 PM
1 Replies and 6880 Views New table: tblVIS_SUBS  6880  1 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all We suggest adding a table to contain information on patients use of substances like alcohol og cigarettes. Please find the proposed table in the attached document. Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
1 6880
by  Max BuchtJump to last post
04 Mar 2019 03:09 PM
1 Replies and 6873 Views tblCEP new ID to CEP_ID  6873  1 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all tblCEP – request for adding new IDs to CEP_ID field: Code: CTAB Description: CT abdomen Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
1 6873
by  Max BuchtJump to last post
04 Mar 2019 03:08 PM
1 Replies and 6900 Views tblLAB_RES request for addition of new field  6900  1 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all, We got a request for addition of a field TESTTYPE_M to the tblLAB_RES. The format suggested is shown in the attached document. Any comments or suggestions Kind regards Pernille
1 6900
by  Max BuchtJump to last post
04 Mar 2019 03:07 PM
1 Replies and 6979 Views tblLAB_VIRO request for new codes to VS_T  6979  1 Started by  Pernille Iversen Dear all, We have got a request for addition of codes to be included in VS_T. Those are: 10 = Rapid diagnostic test -3rd generation &91;HIV&93; 11 = Rapid diagnostic test -4th generation &91;HIV&93; 12 = Self-test-oral &91;HIV&93; 13 = Self-test-blood-based &91;HIV&93; 14 = Immunoassay (EIA, CLIA, ECL) - 3rd generation &91;HIV&93; 15 = Immunoassay (EIA,CLIA, ECL) plus p24 - 4th generation &91;HIV&93; 16 = WB: Western blot/immunoblot &91;HIV&93; 17 = NAT (Nucleic Acid Test...
1 6979
by  Max BuchtJump to last post
04 Mar 2019 03:07 PM
0 Replies and 7893 Views Release of HICDEP 1.100 and transfer of management to CHIP  7893  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, Version 1.100 was released on August 7 and it includes changes that has been discussed with our collegues in IeDEA over the last two years. Furthermore, the management of HICDEP has now been transfered from the Swiss HIV Cohort to CHIP in Copenhagen. I would like to thank Bruno Ledergerber for his many years of excellent leadership and engagement, as I humbly aspire to follow his example. From CHIP, Casper Frederiksen (previous datamanager in COHERE) and the...
0 7893
21 Aug 2017 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 6773 Views tbl LAB_RNA  6773  1 Started by  SuperUser Account If there is a value in tbl RNA higher than the upper limit (>750000 for example) you can’t describe this. For lower Limit there is -1. So in this case you have: rna_v : 750000, rna_ul: 750000. But you don’t see the real value is >750000.
1 6773
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
07 Dec 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7621 Views tblNEWBORN_ABNORM - Information about abnormalities (7)  7621  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear All This is the seventh topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts. Please see for the current version of this table. BM suggests to consider the use of the key field CHILD_ID Patient ID of the child ABNORM_T Type of abnormality plus the field ABNORM_S...
0 7621
26 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7686 Views tblNEWBORN - Information about newborns(6)  7686  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear All This is the sixth topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts. Please see for the current version of this table. BM suggests to consider the use of the key field CHILD_ID Patient ID of the child plus the fields BRFEED_SD Breastfeeding start date BRFEED_ED...
0 7686
25 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7778 Views tblDELIVERY_CHILD - Delivery information related to the child(ren) (5)  7778  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear All This is the fifth topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts. Please see for the current version. BM suggests to consider the use of the key fields MOTHER_ID Patient ID of mother of child CHILD_ID Patient ID of the child plus the fields DELIV_D D...
0 7778
24 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7749 Views tblDELIVERY_MUM - Delivery information related to the mother (4)  7749  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear All This is the fourth topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts. Please see for the current version. BM suggests to consider the use of the three key fields MOTHER_ID Patient ID of mother of child PREG_SEQ Sequence number of the pregnancy for the specified mot...
0 7749
23 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7613 Views tblPREG_OUT - Pregnancy outcome (3)  7613  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear All This is the third topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts. Please see for the current version. BM suggests to consider the use of the three key fields MOTHER_ID Patient ID of mother of child PREG_SEQ Sequence number of the pregnancy for the specified mother ...
0 7613
22 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7609 Views tblPREG_OBS - Obstetrical problems during pregnancy (2)  7609  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear All This is the second topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts. Please see for the current version BM suggests not to use this table at the moment.
0 7609
21 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
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