Dear All
This is the first topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts.
Please see for the current version
BM suggests to consider the use of the two key fields
MOTHER_ID Patient ID of mother of child
PREG_SEQ Sequence number of the pregnancy for the specified mother
plus the field
MENS_D Date of last menstrual period
AS questions whether tblPREG is actually needed with just three fields. However, ectopic pregnancy and fetal death (IUFT) from the field INPREG_Y should then be coded for in the table tblPREG_OUT with the pregnancy outcomes.
AS further asks for guidance on how to deal with situations where either the mother or the baby is not enrolled in a cohort. Reply from BL: As MOTHER_ID and/or CHILD_ID belong to the keys in the different tables, these values are mandatory for the referential integrity of the database and must be unique. Therefore, cohorts will have to generate such unique IDs arbitrarily, maybe as a combination of some letters and sequential numbers.