Dear All
This is the fourth topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts.
Please see for the current version.
BM suggests to consider the use of the three key fields
MOTHER_ID Patient ID of mother of child
PREG_SEQ Sequence number of the pregnancy for the specified mother
MEMRUP_D Date of rupture of membranes
plus the fields
MEMRUP_T Time of rupture of membranes
TEAR_Y Episiotomy/tear
BM suggests to create two new fields to capture location of delivery (home vs. health facility) and information about who helped in delivery (nurse/midwife, traditional birth attendant, doctor, relative, friend, neighbor, no one).
Further it is not clear how to code MEMRUP_T (as time hh:mm or dichotomous) and whether that information is available at all.
AS also questions whether TEAR_Y is actually needed