SuperUser Account Basic Member
24 Jan 2012 12:00 AM |
Dear all,
With regard to the socio-economic status (SES) variables, I'd like to propose the following encoding for the educational level:
Field name |
Format |
Description |
- 0 = Pre-primary education
- 1 = Primary education or first stage of basic education
- 2 = Lower secondary or second stage of basic education
- 3 = (Upper) secondary education
- 4 = Post-secondary non-tertiary education
- 5 = First stage of tertiary education
- 6 = Second stage of tertiary education
- 9 = Unknown
educational level of the patient as classified by ISCED97 |
The variable could be added to tblBAS or go into a table devoted to SES variables, once there are more of them.
Note that the encoding is equivalent to the ISCED97 classification of educational levels endorsed by the UNESCO, with the addition of 9 for unknown. Here's why I think ISCED is a good fit for HICDEP:
| The ISCED was designed [...] as an instrument suitable for assembling, compiling and presenting statistics of education both within individual countries and internationally.
- The document Classifying Educational Programmes provides mappings for the programmes in each OECD country to the ISCED97 educational level.
- The ISCED encoding is equally finegrained to the current encoding schemes of most cohorts, and so will allow cohorts to easily recode data they have already collected in other encodings.
- It will also allow researchers to compare the data easily to data from other sources.
Please comment!
SuperUser Account Basic Member
24 Jan 2012 12:00 AM |
Looks good to me, examples or more detailed explanations to make the rather abstract primary, secondary and tertiary terms more accessible would be helpful. Format should perhaps be numeric for the code alone. What about possible subcodes to these codes - would that be necessary? I know that wouldn't be a full match to the UNESCO coding - but may be useful while we can still aggregate to the upper level of the code. /Jesper
SuperUser Account Basic Member
30 Jan 2012 12:00 AM |
Hi, The ISCED97 has recently been revised and updated in 2011. In November 2011, the proposed revision was approved by the Education Commission of the 36th General Conference of UNESCO. It was formally adopted by Member States on 10 November 2011. The ISCED 2011 has nine levels of education - two more than ISCED 1997. 0 Early childhood education 1 Primary 2 Lower secondary 3 Upper secondary 4 Post-secondary non-tertiary 5 Short-cycle tertiary 6 Bachelor or equivalent 7 Master or equivalent 8 Doctoral or equivalent 9 Not elsewhere classified Wouldn't it be better to use this new classification of educational levels, if ISCED is incorporated in HICDEP? Coding in ISCED is numeric. ISCED uses a three-digit coding for levels of education. Within each level, complementary dimensions are used to identify further categories and sub-categories, if applicable. /Monique
SuperUser Account Basic Member
01 Feb 2012 12:00 AM |
Looks good to me - this includes the extra info on academic degrees I would have proposed as subcode extensions. /Jesper
SuperUser Account Basic Member
14 Aug 2012 12:00 AM |
Dear all, Please find attached the document Sara Lodi and Julia del Amo have written on educational level. Should we accept the coding they have proposed for HICDEP and prospective collection? Proposed coding for HICDEP for the level of education for HICDEP and prospective collection Based on the previous considerations we suggest collecting the variable “Maximum attained/completed level of education”: 0 - no primary or no formal education, 1 - primary education (ISCED 1) 2 – lower secondary (ISCED 2) OR end of basic education 3- upper secondary or post-secondary non tertiary (ISCED 3 and 4) 4- university or post-graduate (ISCED 5A and 5B)