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Last Post 19 Feb 2013 12:00 AM by  SuperUser Account
QA check changes so far
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SuperUser Account

Basic Member

Basic Member

14 Jan 2013 12:00 AM

    I've updated the QA checks with issues that have already been resolved (and a few cases of duplicate codes), here's a quick overview of the changes since 1.60:


    Tablename WithinTable or CrossTable Error Code Description of inconsistency Study Specific HICDEP
    tblLAB WithinTable LW006 Missing LAB_LLN YES
    tblLAB WithinTable LW007 Missing LAB_ULN YES
    tblLAB_RNA WithinTable RW009 RNA_V < 0 YES


    Tablename WithinTable or CrossTable Error Code Description of inconsistency Study Specific HICDEP
    tblBAS CrossTable BC001 AIDS_Y=1 but no records in tblART YES
    tblLAB_RNA WithinTable RW003 RNA_V = +1 and RNA_U missing YES
    tblLAB_RNA WithinTable RW007 RNA_V < RNA_L YES
    tblLAB_RNA WithinTable RW008 RNA_V > RNA_U YES
    tblLAB_VIRO WithinTable LVW001 Patient doesn't have a record in BAS YES
    tblPREG_OUT CrossTable PTC002 OUTCOM=10,11,20 or 21 and CHILD_ID exists in tblNEWBORN or tblDELIVERYCHILD YES
    tblPREG_OUT WithinTable PTW001 OUTCOME not 20 or 21 and OUTCOM_R non null YES
    tblPREG CrossTable PC001 PROB_Y = 0 or 9 but records in tblPREG_OBS YES
    tblREFILL WithinTable PRW001 Patient doesn't have a record in BAS YES


    Tablename WithinTable or CrossTable Error Code Description of inconsistency Study Specific HICDEP
    tblBAS CrossTable BC001 RECART_Y=1 but no records in tblART YES
    tblLAB_RNA WithinTable RW003 RNA_V > 10 000 and (RNA_V modulo 1000) = 1 and RNA_UL missing YES
    tblLAB_RNA WithinTable RW007 RNA_V < RNA_L and RNA_V >= 0 YES
    tblLAB_RNA WithinTable RW008 RNA_V > RNA_UL YES
    tblLAB_VIRO CrossTable LVC001 Patient doesn't have a record in BAS YES
    tblPREG_OUT CrossTable PTC003 OUTCOM=10,11,20 or 21 and CHILD_ID exists in tblNEWBORN or tblDELIVERYCHILD YES
    tblPREG_OUT WithinTable PTW002 OUTCOME not 20 or 21 and OUTCOM_R non null YES
    tblPREG CrossTable PC002 PROB_Y = 0 or 9 but records in tblPREG_OBS YES
    tblREFILL CrossTable PRC001 Patient doesn't have a record in BAS YES

    SuperUser Account

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    13 Feb 2013 12:00 AM

    Thank you very much for this overview, very informative and helpful, however I am afraid that I don't quite understand the new QA check RW003 for the tblLAB_RNA. What is meant with "and (RNA_V modulo 1000) = 1"?



    SuperUser Account

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    18 Feb 2013 12:00 AM

    My understanding is that this comes from cohorts that code "over upper limit" by putting a 1 on the end. E.g. if a test has an upper limit of 750 000 copies/ml and a result exceeded that value, it would be coded as 750 001. Thus the check looks for large RNA values (>10 000) where the last three digits are "001" (RNA_V modulo 1000 = 1), which would seem to indicate a value of the detection limit, but where no actual upper limit is set.

    Does that help/make sense?

    SuperUser Account

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    19 Feb 2013 12:00 AM

    Thanks you for this detailed explanation, very helpful.

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