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Last Post 16 Sep 2013 12:00 AM by  SuperUser Account
Additions to the Causes of Deaths in the CODE system
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SuperUser Account

Basic Member

Basic Member

13 Sep 2013 12:00 AM

    I would like to add the following codes below code 4:

    4 = Malignancy (other than 1.2 and 3, 3.1, 3.2)
    4.101 = ALL - Leukaemia: Acute lymphoid
    4.102 = AML - Leukaemia: Acute myeloid
    4.103 = CLL - Leukaemia: Chronic lymphoid
    4.104 = CML - Leukaemia: Chronic myeloid
    4.109 = LEUK - Leukaemia: unspecified
    4.03 = ANUS - Anus cancer
    4.04 = BLAD - Bladder cancer
    4.05 = BONE - Bone cancer
    4.06 = BRAC - Brain cancer
    4.07 = BRCA - Breast cancer
    4.18 = COLO - Colon cancer
    4.11 = COTC - Connective tissue cancer
    4.12 = ESOP - Esophagus cancer
    4.13 = GALL - Gallbladder cancer
    4.14 = GYCA - Gynaecologic cancer
    4.15 = HDL - Hodgkin lymphoma
    4.16 = HENE - Head and neck (incl. face) cancers
    4.17 = KIDN - Kidney cancer
    4.19 = LIPC - Lip cancer
    4.20 = LIVR - Liver cancer
    4.21 = LUNG - Lung cancer
    4.22 = MALM - Malignant melanoma
    4.27 = MULM - Multiple myeloma
    4.29 = PANC - Pancreas cancer
    4.31 = PENC - Penile cancer
    4.32 = PROS - Prostate cancer
    4.33 = RECT - Rectum cancer
    4.34 = STOM - Stomach cancer
    4.35 = TESE - Testicular seminoma
    4.36 = UTER - Uterus cancer
    4.401 = MEAC - Metastasis: of adenocarcinoma
    4.402 = MEOC - Metastasis: of other cancer type
    4.403 = MESC - Metastasis: of squamuos cell carcinoma
    4.409 = META - Metastasis: unspecified
    4.90 = OTH - Other Malignancy Type
    4.99 = UNKP - Unknown Malignancy Type

    And these others:

    8.1 = AMI
    8.11 = Definitive AMI (Dundee 1)
    8.12 = Possible AMI (Dundee 2/9)
    8.2 = Other ischemic heart disease

    92.1 = Unknown, Competing risk

    SuperUser Account

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    16 Sep 2013 12:00 AM

    In addition I would like to suggest that we do away with the "tripple hierachi" so that the values can be stored as numeric

    02.1.1 Bacterial with sepsis
    would then be
    02.11 Bacterial with sepsis
    02.2.1 Others with sepsis
    would then be
    02.21 Others with sepsis
    02.3.1 Unknown with sepsis
    would then be
    02.31 Unknown with sepsis
    And so forth for the rest like so:

    03.11 HCV with cirrhosis
    03.12 HCV with liver failure
    03.21 HBV with cirrhosis
    03.22 HBV with liver failure

    This would still allow the hierachi but remove the additional fullstop (.) making it into a numeric value
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