I would like to add the following codes below code 4:
4 = Malignancy (other than 1.2 and 3, 3.1, 3.2)
4.101 = ALL - Leukaemia: Acute lymphoid
4.102 = AML - Leukaemia: Acute myeloid
4.103 = CLL - Leukaemia: Chronic lymphoid
4.104 = CML - Leukaemia: Chronic myeloid
4.109 = LEUK - Leukaemia: unspecified
4.03 = ANUS - Anus cancer
4.04 = BLAD - Bladder cancer
4.05 = BONE - Bone cancer
4.06 = BRAC - Brain cancer
4.07 = BRCA - Breast cancer
4.18 = COLO - Colon cancer
4.11 = COTC - Connective tissue cancer
4.12 = ESOP - Esophagus cancer
4.13 = GALL - Gallbladder cancer
4.14 = GYCA - Gynaecologic cancer
4.15 = HDL - Hodgkin lymphoma
4.16 = HENE - Head and neck (incl. face) cancers
4.17 = KIDN - Kidney cancer
4.19 = LIPC - Lip cancer
4.20 = LIVR - Liver cancer
4.21 = LUNG - Lung cancer
4.22 = MALM - Malignant melanoma
4.27 = MULM - Multiple myeloma
4.29 = PANC - Pancreas cancer
4.31 = PENC - Penile cancer
4.32 = PROS - Prostate cancer
4.33 = RECT - Rectum cancer
4.34 = STOM - Stomach cancer
4.35 = TESE - Testicular seminoma
4.36 = UTER - Uterus cancer
4.401 = MEAC - Metastasis: of adenocarcinoma
4.402 = MEOC - Metastasis: of other cancer type
4.403 = MESC - Metastasis: of squamuos cell carcinoma
4.409 = META - Metastasis: unspecified
4.90 = OTH - Other Malignancy Type
4.99 = UNKP - Unknown Malignancy Type
And these others:
8.1 = AMI
8.11 = Definitive AMI (Dundee 1)
8.12 = Possible AMI (Dundee 2/9)
8.2 = Other ischemic heart disease
92.1 = Unknown, Competing risk