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Last Post 12 Oct 2013 12:00 AM by  SuperUser Account
HICDEP 1.70 - Release Candidate
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SuperUser Account

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03 Oct 2013 12:00 AM

    Hi all

    You can find the RC of the version 1.70 here.

    The change log is included in the PDF. The new release consists of mainly small changes: Optional fields are added (regarding employment, education, smoking...), redundancies in the tblDIS coding were removed and tblAE was renamed to tblCEP.

    In order to comply with the four week procedure prior to the next TC we propose to consider the enclosed 1.70 version as official release candidate and forward to the cohort data managers. They (and of course also you) have three weeks to comment on this document. One week prior to the TC we will incorporate potential important changes so that the WP4 members can decide on the final release at the TC on Tuesday, October 29th.

    Kind regards Lukas Humbel

    SuperUser Account

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    Basic Member

    09 Oct 2013 12:00 AM

    One request I have received per e-mail:

    I would add a field into the tblVIS table just to know whether a patient is pregnant or not. Very often we have only that information, but it's not enough to fill the tblPREG table.


    SuperUser Account

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    Basic Member

    10 Oct 2013 12:00 AM

    Hi Jesper

    As I don't see any concerns with adding a field, I added an optional field PREG_Y to tblVIS.

    Cheers, Lukas

    SuperUser Account

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    Basic Member

    11 Oct 2013 12:00 AM

    PLease find below some comments on the HICDEP version 1.70 from the FHDH cohort.

    Table ART Table ART contains HIV, HBV and HCV antiretroviral treatments. In the discrepancies report, is date of first HIV treatment RECART_D calculated from first ART for HIV or from first ART whatever the desease. For example, if first HBV or HCV treatment report is before RECART_D, the first date of treatment calculated from table ART will not match the RECART_D date

    Table Bas

    Origin: It would be convenient to have a category Ex Yougouslavia. In regards with the Neerlandies Antilles and British antilles, there are some of the islands in Hicdep but not all of them. In FHDH we sometimes do not have the specification of the specific island. Could it be possible to have a global category Neerlandaise Antilles and British antilles ? I was happy to discover that there is a category NAIVE_Y for ART-naïve patient upon enrollment. Could it be possible to have the same kind of category for patient with AIDS before enrollment: we have patients or other oppportunistics infections during followed up, but the date of first opportunistic infection is unknown or before enrollment

    Table LTFU Table LTFU should be changed to accomodate death cause reviewed, such as for DAD or ART_CC, from death cause reported by the clinical center as discussed with Dominique Costagliola Table LAB In FHDH the infomation about ASAT and ALAT is given in "number of time the normal value" and there is no such category in the variable LAB_U . Therefore we cannot submit these variables. I noticed also that the PLT variable has been removed.

    Table DIS In table DIS I was surprised to see a lot of infectionsnot AIDS Defininf : BACT Bacteremia ENDO Endocarditis MENI Meningitis OSTI Ostitis PERI Peritonitis PNEU Pneumonia PYEL Pyelonephritis

    SuperUser Account

    Basic Member

    Basic Member

    12 Oct 2013 12:00 AM

    Several of these suggestions have already been implemented in the 1.70 pre-release:

    HCV meds have been moved to tblMED
    non-AIDS conditions have been moved from tblDIS to tblCEP

    The other suggestions will have to be discussed for 1.80
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