tblVIS_SUBS - Patients use of substances like alcohol, cigarettes and drugs

holds information on patients use of substances like alcohol, cigarettes and drugs

Core Fields

Field name
Code to identify patient (Cohort Patient ID)
Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
Date of assessment


  • ALCO = Alcohol
  • IDU = Intravenous Drugs
  • NDU = Non-injecting Drugs
  • SMK = Smoking
  • SMKD = Ever smoked
  • ALCP = Past Alcohol Abuse

Type of substance

In case of abuse, it should be defined what is considered as abuse, Eg. :
Alcohol: For men: An intake of >25 alcohol containing units a week. For women: An intake of > 20 alcohol containing units a week.


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Patient’s substance use at assessment date

Additional Fields

Field name

For ALCO: Number of alcohol containing units per day
For SMK: Number of years smoking/not smoking (depending on SUBS_Y)

QA Checks

TableCrosstableError CodeDescriptionStudy specificHICDEP?
AllTablesCrossTableATC001any date in database after DEATH_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC002any date in database after DROP_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC003any date in database before BIRTH_D in tblBAS Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC004any date in database in the future Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC005patients submitted previously who have been missed out Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC006Any fields not coded as coding lists on table definition Yes