tblART - Antiretroviral treatment

holds type of antiretroviral drug, start and stop dates and reason for stopping

Core Fields

Note: Fields marked bold form the unique identifier for a record of the table.
Field name
character (or numeric if possible)
identifies patient
character. see coding table for valid codings.
represents the antiretroviral treatment
date of initiation of treatment
character: see coding of date precision
precision of date "Initiation of Treatment"
date of stopping treatment
character: see coding of date precision
precision of date "Stopping of Treatment"
character. see coding table for valid codings.
reason for stopping treatment

Additional Fields

Depending on the aim of the study it might be needed to gather both the dosage and the frequency of the dosage taken. However many cohorts do not collect this date and thus these fields are optional.
Field name
character. see coding table for valid codings.
Second reason for stopping treatment
character. see coding table for valid codings.
Third reason for stopping treatment
character. see coding table for valid codings.
Fourth reason for stopping treatment
Dosage (mg or mL) per intake unless ART_FR=-1


  • -1 = Frequency not known. ART_DO contains dosage per day
  • 0.33 = 1 dose every third day
  • 0.02 = every second month
  • 0.03 = monthly
  • 0.5 = 1 dose every second day
  • 1 = 1 daily dose/qd
  • 2 = 2 daily doses/bid
  • 3 = 3 daily doses/tid
  • 4... = code gives number of daily doses


  • 1 = Branded
  • 2 = Generic
  • 9 = Unknown
Was this a branded or generic drug?


  • 1 = Tablet/capsule
  • 1.1 = Tablet/capsule given as a part of the regular daily ART and not as oral lead-in to long-acting ART
  • 1.2 = Tablet/capsule given as oral lead-in ART with intention to start long-acting ART
  • 1.3 = Tablet/capsule given as bridging therapy during long-acting antiretroviral therapy
  • 2 = Syrup/Suspension
  • 3 = Combination of 1 and 2
  • 4 = Powder
  • 5 = Subcutaneous
  • 6 = Intravenous
  • 7 = Intramuscular
  • 7.1 = Intramuscular injection given as regular long-acting antiretroviral therapy
  • 7.2 = Intramuscular injection given as restart of long-acting antiretroviral therapy after intermediate discontinuation
  • 9 = Unknown
What formulations of the drug was given?


  • 0 = Individual drug
  • 1 = Part of a fixed-dose combination
  • 9 = Unknown
Was the drug given as part of a fixed-dose combination?
numeric: see coding table for valid codings
Reason for starting/receiving ART
It may also be necessary to record the start and end time:
Start hour and minute of the day
Stop hour and minute of the day

QA Checks

TableCrosstableError CodeDescriptionStudy specificHICDEP?
AllTablesCrossTableATC001any date in database after DEATH_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC002any date in database after DROP_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC003any date in database before BIRTH_D in tblBAS Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC004any date in database in the future Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC005patients submitted previously who have been missed out Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC006Any fields not coded as coding lists on table definition Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW001ART_RS not null, but end date NULL Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW002ART_RS null but end-date non NULL Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW003ART_RS=98 yet ART_OTH is nullEPPICCNo
tblARTWithinTableAW004Duplicate records for same cohort, patient, art_id and art_sd Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW005Dose out of range for those dose units and frequencyPaediatricOnlyYes
tblARTWithinTableAW006Missing art_frPaediatricOnlyYes
tblARTWithinTableAW007Missing art_doPaediatricOnlyYes
tblARTWithinTableAW008Missing patient Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW009Missing art_id Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW010Missing art_sd Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW011Overlapping periods of same drug Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW012Double reporting - records reported for both combination drugs and their components Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW013Periods of overlap of contra-indicated drugs Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW014Restart of same drug without a stop Yes
tblARTWithinTableAW015ART_SD greater than or equal to ART_ED Yes
tblARTCrossTableAC001Patient has no record in table BAS Yes
tblARTCrossTableAC002Records exist in tblART yet RECART_Y=0 in tblBAS Yes