tblBAS - Basic clinical, background and demographic information

holds basic information such as demographics, basic clinical information and date of AIDS diagnosis

Core Fields

Note: Fields marked bold form the unique identifier for a record of the table.
Field name
character (or numeric if possible)
Code to identify patient (Cohort Patient ID)
Birth date
character: see coding of date precision
optional precision annotation for birth date
First seen at clinic
Date of enrolment into the cohort
character: see coding of date precision
optional precision annotation for date of enrolment into the cohort


  • 1 = Male
  • 2 = Female
  • 9 = Unknown
Participant's sex at birth


  • 1 = Male
  • 2 = Female
  • 3 = Transgender men
  • 4 = Transgender women
  • 5 = Other
  • 6 = Transgender unknown
  • 9 = Unknown
Participant's gender
numeric (metric): 999 = Unknown
Height of patient at visit/most current
numeric. see coding table for valid codings.
Mode of infection
character (1-3 letter/numeric codes). see coding table for valid codings.
Country or region of birth
numeric. see coding table for valid codings.
Ethnicity of patient. Please take the additional notes into consideration when using this field.
numeric. see coding table for valid codings.
Last completed education Level. ISCED97 refers to the ​1997 International Standard Classification of Education
Date of first positive HIV test
Date of seroconversion


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Has the patient ever received antiretroviral treatment? This includes all antiretroviral therapy given as Treatment even if given by another Center or program but excludes antiretroviral drugs given only for PMTCT or other prophylaxis.
Date of first antiretroviral Treatment Initiation. Leave blank if ART not yet initiated. This should be the first date at which antiretroviral therapy, regardless of Regimen, was given as Treatment irrespective of whether it was given at this center/program or not. It excludes antiretroviral regimens given only for PMTCT or other prophylaxis.
character: see coding of date precision
optional date precision annotation for date RECART_D.
Date last assessed for ART. If started ART, last date known to be on ART, or if not on ART, last date ART free.


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Has the patient ever been given an AIDS diagnosis? (i.e. WHO stage 3 or 4 or CDC category C diagnosis)
If yes, date of AIDS diagnosis
character: see coding of date precision
optional precision annotation for date AIDS_D


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Family history of CVD: Have any first degree relatives experienced myocardial infarction or stroke before the age of 50 years?

Additional Fields

For mode of infection and origin a set of other fields are often used to capture what cannot be coded. These fields are represented here as optional fields as it is the intention that the suggested codes applied to the MODE and ORIGIN should be able to cover all possible values.
Field name
Mode of infection OTHER
Origin of patient OTHER
The last date the database has been updated for this patient


  • 1 = Midpoint between last neg/first pos test
  • 2 = Lab evidence of seroconversion
  • 3 = Seroconversion illness
  • 4 = Other
  • 9 = Unknown
For Seroconverters only: How was the seroconversion date determined?


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Is the patient ART-naïve upon enrollment?

QA Checks

TableCrosstableError CodeDescriptionStudy specificHICDEP?
AllTablesCrossTableATC001any date in database after DEATH_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC002any date in database after DROP_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC003any date in database before BIRTH_D in tblBAS Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC004any date in database in the future Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC005patients submitted previously who have been missed out Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC006Any fields not coded as coding lists on table definition Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW001AIDS date < SEROCO_D Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW002Duplicate patients Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW003First 3 chars of PATIENT don't form valid cohort codeCascadeOnlyYes
tblBASWithinTableBW004Missing PATIENT Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW005Missing CENTER Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW006Missing BIRTH_D Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW007Missing FRSVIS_D Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW008Missing ENROL_D Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW009Missing GENDER Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW010Missing HEIGH Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW011Missing MODE Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW012Missing MODE_OTH if MODE=90 Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW013Missing ORIGIN Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW014Missing ETHNIC Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW015Missing SEROCO_D Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW016Missing RECART_Y Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW017Missing AIDS_Y Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW018Missing AIDS_D if AIDS_Y=1 Yes
tblBASWithinTableBW019BIRTH_D out of range (15-85 yrs)CascadeOnlyYes
tblBASWithinTableBW020BIRTH_D out of range (<18)PENTAYes
tblBASCrossTableBC001RECART_Y=1 but no records in tblART Yes
tblBASCrossTableBC002AIDS_Y=0, but AIDS-defining records in tblDIS Yes
tblBASCrossTableBC003AIDS_Y=1 but no AIDS-defining records in tblDIS table Yes