DIS_ID field

Containing table:
Explanation of variable:
Code to identify event
Format of data:
character. see coding table for valid codings.

Coding Table

CodeSevere Opportunistic Infection / Malignancies
ADMAIDS-defining malignancy Please provide DIS_SPECs as indicated in the DIS_SPEC coding table below Applies if any of the following events have occurred: • Cervical cancer • Kaposi’s sarcoma • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma • Burkitt (Classical and Atypical) • Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (Immunoblastic or Centroblastic) • Primary Brain Lymphoma • Unknown/other histology
ANGCAngular cheilitis
BCGDBCG disease - disseminated
BCIRRecurrent severe persumed bacterial infection (excluding pneumonia)
BCNEBacterial pneumonia, recurrent (>2 episodes within 1 year)
BLDUnexplained anaemia (<8g/dl), and or neutropaenia (<500/mm3 - 2; <1000/mm3 - children), and or thrombocytopaenia (<50000/mm3) > 1 month
CANDCandidiasis infections (not including isolated oral candidiasis) Please provide DIS_SPECs as indicated in the DIS_SPEC coding table below Applies if any of the following events have occurred: • Candidiasis of the oesophagus • Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, or lungs
CLDChronic HIV-associated lung disease
CMOHIV-associated cardiomyopathy
CMVCytomegalovirus Please provide DIS_SPECs as indicated in the DIS_SPEC coding table below
COCCCoccidioidomycosis, disseminated or extrapulmonary
CRCOCryptococcosis, extrapulmonary
CRSPCryptosporidiosis (duration > 1 month)
DEMAIDS dementia complex
DIACUnexplained chronic diarrhoea (> 1 month for adults; > 14 days for children)
ENCHIV encephalopathy
FBLSFocal Brain lesion
FEVCUnexplained persistent fever (> 1 month)
FNIFFungal nail infections of fingers
HERPHerpes simplex virus ulcers (duration > 1 month) or pneumonitis/esophagitis
HERPVVisceral Herpes simplex infection
HISTHistoplasmosis, extrapulm.
HZSHerpes zoster (single dermatome)
ISDIIsosporiasis diarrhoea (duration > 1 month)
LEISLeishmaniasis visceral
LEUProgressive multifocal leucoencephalopathy
LIPSymptomatic lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis
LNTBLymph node tuberculosis
MCMycobact. avium complex (MAC) or Kanasii, extrapulm.
MCDIMicrosporidosis diarrhoea (duration > 1 month)
MCPMycobact. tuberculosis pulm.
MCPOMycobact. pulm., other
MCXMycobact. tuberculosis extrapulm
MCXOMycobact. extrapulm., other
MNUMUnexplained moderate malnutrition or wasting
MNUSUnexplained severe malnutrition or wasting
MYCDAny disseminated mycosis
NPOHIV-associated nephropathy
NUSAcute necrotising ulcerative stomatitis, gingivitis or periodontitis
OHLPOral hairy leukoplakia
ORULRecurrent oral ulcerations
PCPPneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)
PGLPersistent Generalized Lymphadenopathy
PPEPapular pruritic eruptions
RTIRRecurrent or chronic respiratory tract infection (RTIs, sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis media, otorrhea, pharyngitis)
SAMSalmonella bacteriaemia (non-tyhpoid) (recurrent)
SEBDSeborrheic dermatitis
TOXToxoplasmosis, brain
WASTHIV Wasting Syndrome
WTLMModerate unexplained weight loss (<10% of body weight)
WTLSSevere unexplained weight loss (>10% of body weight)

Coding Table: Mother-to-child and paediatric specific

StageCodeCDC disease description
ACA-URIRecurrent or persist. UR infection, sinusitis, or otitis media
BCB-BMPBacterial meningitis, pneumonia, or sepsis
BCB-CANCandidiasis oropharyngeal for >2 months (age>6)
BCB-CMNCMV onset before 1 month
BCB-DIADiarrhea (recurrent or chronic)
BCB-FEVFever (lasting >1 month)
BCB-HCVHSV bronchitis, pneumonitis, esophagitis (<1 month)
BCB-HSSHerpes simplex stomatitis (>2 episodes in 1 year)
BCB-HZOHerpes zoster, multidermatomal or relapse
BCB-LYMLymphoid interstitial pneumonia or pulmonary lymphoid hyperplasia complex
BCB-TONToxoplasmosis (start before 1 month)
BCB-VARVaricella, disseminated
CCC-COMCryptococcal meningitis
CCC-EPDPneumocystis disease, extrapulmonary
CCC-GENM. genavense disease
CCC-ICCCarcinoma, cervical, invasive
CCC-ILEIntracerebral lesions, indeterminated
CCC-LOBLymphoma,primary, cerebral
CCC-TODToxoplasmosis disseminated

Case definitions

CodeSevere Opportunistic Infection/MalignanciesDefinitive/Autopsy or presumptive?Definition
BCNEBacterial pneumonia, recurrent (>2 episodes within 1 year)DNew X-ray evidence not present earlier and culture of pathogen that typically causes pneumonia (other than P .carinii or M. tuberculosis
BCNEBacterial pneumonia, recurrent (>2 episodes within 1 year)PAcute radiological findings (new X-ray evidence not present earlier) and acute clinical findings
CANOCandidiasis, oesophageal, bronchi, trachea, or lungsD/AGross inspection by endoscopy/autopsy or by microscopy (histology)
CANOCandidiasis, oesophageal, bronchi, trachea, or lungsPRecent onset retrosternal pain on swallowing and confirmed oral or pharyngeal candidiasis
CMVOCMV – other locationD/AMicroscopy (histology or cytology)
CMVRCytomegalovirus (CMV) chorioretinitisPLoss of vision and characteristic appearance on serial ophtalmoscopy, progressing over serial months
CRCOCryptococcosis, extrapulm.D/AMicroscopy, culture of, or antigen detection in affected tissue
CRSPCryptosporidiosis (duration > 1 month)D/AMicroscopy. Duration of diarrhoea for more then 1 month
CRVCCervical CancerD/AHistology
DEMAIDS dementia complexDDisabling cognitive and/or motor dysfunction, or milestone loss in a child, and no other causes by CSF exam and brain imaging or by autopsy
DEMAIDS dementia complexPSame as above but no CSF and brain imaging performed
FBLSFocal Brain lesion?TODO:: To be updated ASAP
HERPHerpes simplex virus ulcers (duration > 1 month) or pneumonitis/esophagitisDMicroscopy, culture of, or antigen detection in affected tissue
HISTHistoplasmosis, extrapulm.D/AMicroscopy, culture of, or antigen detection in affected tissue
ISDIIsosporiasis diarrhoea (duration > 1 month)D/AMicroscopy (histology or cytology). Duration of diarrhoea for more than 1 month
KSKaposi SarcomaD/AHistology
KSKaposi SarcomaPCharacteristic erythematous/violaceous plaque-like lesion on skin or mucous membranes
LEISLeishmaniasis, visceralD/AHistology or culture of Leishmania amastigotes in bone marrow or detection of amastigotes in tissue/fluid from affected organ in a patient with symptoms and signs consistent with disseminated Leishmaniasis
LEUProgressive multifocal leucoencephalopathyD/AMicroscopy (histology or cytology)
LEUProgressive multifocal leucoencephalopathyPProgressive deterioration in neurological function and CT/MR scan evidence
MCMycobact. avium complex (MAC) or Kanasii, extrapulm.DCulture
MCDIMicrosporidosis diarrhoes (dur. > 1 month)D/AStool microscopy or rectal biopsy in patient with persistent diarrhoea
MCPMycobact. tuberculosis pulm.DCulture
MCPOMycobact. pulm., otherDCulture (indicate type)
MCPOMycobact. pulm., otherPAcid fast bacteria (species not identified by culture) in sputum
MCXMycobact. tuberculosis extrapulmDCulture
MCXOMycobact. extrapulm., otherDCulture (indicate type)
MCXOMycobact. extrapulm., otherPAcid fast bacteria (species not identified by culture) on microscopy of normally sterile body fluid/tissue
NHGBNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma – Burkitt (Classical or Atypical)DHistology
NHGINon-Hodgkin Lymphoma – Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (Immunoblastic or Centroblastic)DHistology
NHGPNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma - Primary Brain LymphomaDTODO:: To be updated ASAP
NHGPNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma - Primary Brain LymphomaPRecent onset of focal neurological symptoms and signs or reduced level of consciousness, CT/MR scan evidence of a lesion or lesions having mass effect, no response to toxo therapy, no evidence of lymphoma outside the brain
NHGUNon-Hodgkin Lymphoma - Unknown/other histology?TODO:: To be updated ASAP
PCPPneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)DMicroscopy (histology or cytology)
PCPPneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP)PRecent onset of dyspnoea on exertion or dry cough, and diffuse bilateral infiltrates on chest X-ray and pO2 <70 mmHg and no evidence of bacterial pneumonia
SAMSalmonella bacteriaemia (non-tyhpoid) (recurrent)DCulture
TOXToxoplasmosis, brainDMicroscopy (histology/cytology)
TOXToxoplasmosis, brainPRecent onset focal neurological abnormalities or reduced level of consciousness, and mass effect lesion on scan, and specific therapy response
WASTHIV Wasting SyndromeDWeight loss (over 10% of baseline) with no other cause, and 30 days or more of either diarrhoea or weakness with fever