DROP_RS field

Containing table:
Explanation of variable:
Reason for drop
Format of data:
numeric. see coding table for valid codings.

Coding Table

Note: If consent is withdrawn, all patient data except for the patient id and reason for drop out may have to be deleted.
CodeReason for Drop Out
0Patient was not infected (mainly for children)
1Patient lost to follow-up / not known to be dead
2Patient has not had visit within required amount of time
2.1Patient did not respond to several invitations
3Patient moved away
3.1Patient moved to another country
4Patient moved and is followed by another centre
4.1Paediatric patient transferred to adult care
5Patients decision
5.1Patients caretaker wanted to discontinue (for children)
6Consent withdrawn
8Institutionalisation (drug treatment, psychological …etc.)