01 | AIDS (ongoing active disease) |
01.1 | Infection |
01.2 | Malignancy |
02 | Infection (other than 01.1) |
02.1 | Bacterial |
02.1.1 | Bacterial with sepsis |
02.2 | Others |
02.2.1 | Others with sepsis |
02.3 | Unknown aetiology |
02.3.1 | Unknown with sepsis |
03 | Chronic viral hepatitis (progression of/complication to) |
03.1 | HCV |
03.1.1 | HCV with cirrhosis |
03.1.2 | HCV with liver failure |
03.1.3 | HCV with liver cancer |
03.2 | HBV |
03.2.1 | HBV with cirrhosis |
03.2.2 | HBV with liver failure |
03.2.3 | HBV with liver cancer |
04 | Malignancy (other than 01.2 and 03, 03.1, 03.2) |
04.03 | ANUS - Anal cancer |
04.04 | BLAD - Bladder cancer |
04.05 | BONE - Bone cancer |
04.06 | BRAC - Brain cancer |
04.07 | BRCA - Breast cancer |
04.10.1 | ALL - Leukaemia: Acute lymphoid |
04.10.2 | AML - Leukaemia: Acute myeloid |
04.10.3 | CLL - Leukaemia: Chronic lymphoid |
04.10.4 | CML - Leukaemia: Chronic myeloid |
04.10.9 | LEUK - Leukaemia: unspecified |
04.11 | COTC - Connective tissue cancer |
04.12 | ESOP - Esophagus cancer |
04.13 | GALL - Gallbladder cancer |
04.14 | GYCA - Gynaecologic cancer |
04.15 | HDL - Hodgkin lymphoma |
04.16 | HENE - Head and neck (incl. face) cancers |
04.17 | KIDN - Kidney cancer |
04.18 | COLO - Colon cancer |
04.19 | LIPC - Lip cancer |
04.20 | LIVR - Liver cancer |
04.21 | LUNG - Lung cancer |
04.22 | MALM - Malignant melanoma |
04.27 | MULM - Multiple myeloma |
04.29 | PANC - Pancreas cancer |
04.31 | PENC - Penile cancer |
04.32 | PROS - Prostate cancer |
04.33 | RECT - Rectum cancer |
04.34 | STOM - Stomach cancer |
04.35 | TESE - Testicular seminoma |
04.36 | UTER - Uterus cancer |
04.40.1 | MEAC - Metastasis: of adenocarcinoma |
04.40.2 | MEOC - Metastasis: of other cancer type |
04.40.3 | MESC - Metastasis: of squamuos cell carcinoma |
04.40.9 | META - Metastasis: unspecified |
04.90 | OTH - Other Malignancy Type |
04.99 | UNKP - Unknown Malignancy Type |
05 | Diabetes Mellitus (complication to) |
06 | Pancreatitis |
07 | Lactic acidosis |
08 | MI or other ischemic heart disease |
08.1 | AMI |
08.1.1 | Definitive AMI (Dundee 1) |
08.1.2 | Possible AMI (Dundee 2/9) |
08.2 | Other ischemic heart disease |
09 | Stroke |
10 | Gastro-intestinal haemorrhage (if chosen, specify underlying cause) |
11 | Primary pulmonary hypertension |
12 | Lung embolus |
13 | Chronic obstructive lung disease |
14 | Liver failure (other than 03, 03.1, 03.2) |
15 | Renal failure |
16 | Accident or other violent death (not suicide) |
17 | Suicide |
18 | Euthenasia |
19 | Substrance abuse (active) |
19.1 | Chronic Alcohol abuse |
19.2 | Chronic intravenous drug-use |
19.3 | Acute intoxication |
20 | Haematological disease (other causes) |
21 | Endocrine disease (other causes) |
22 | Psychiatric disease (other causes) |
22.1 | Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of psychoactive substances (other than alcohol and intravenous opioids) |
22.2 | Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional Disorders |
22.3 | Mood /Affective disorders (Major depressive disorder, Bipolar disorder and other mood disorders) |
22.4 | Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (including anxiety disorders, phobias, OCD, stress reaction, dissociative disorders, somatoform disorders) |
22.5 | Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors (including eating disorders, sleep disorders, sexual disorders) |
22.90 | Other psychiatric disorders |
23 | CNS disease (other causes) |
23.1 | Movement disorders (Parkinson’s disease; dystonias and Parkinson-like syndromes) |
23.2 | Degenerative disorders of the central nervous system (Alzheimer's disease; Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and other degenerative diseases of nervous system) |
23.3 | Demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system (Multiple sclerosis, other demyelinating diseases) |
23.4 | Epilepsy (including localised and generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes) |
23.5 | Polyneuropathies (Guillain–Barré syndrome and other polyneuropathies/disorders of the peripheral nervous system) |
23.6 | Diseases of myoneural junction and muscle (Miastenia gravis and other myoneural disorders) |
23.90 | Other disorders of the nervous system |
24 | Heart or vascular (other causes) |
25 | Respiratory disease (other causes) |
26 | Digestive system disease (other causes) |
27 | Skin and motor system disease (other causes) |
28 | Urogential disease (other causes) |
29 | Obstetric complications |
30 | Congenital disorders |
31 | Symptoms caused by mitochondrial toxicity (other than 06, 07) |
32 | Bleeding (haemophilia) |
33 | Sudden infant death |
33.1 | Child abuse |
90 | Other causes |
91 | Unclassifiable causes |
92 | Unknown |
92.1 | Unknown, Competing risks |