tblPREG_OBS - Obstetrical problems during pregnancy

holds information on obstetrical problems during pregnancy

This table describes problems during a pregnancy. Abnormalities in newborns are recorded in tblNEWBORN_ABNORM instead.

Core Fields

Note: Fields marked bold form the unique identifier for a record of the table.
Field name
Character (or numeric if possible)
patient id of mother
Sequence number of the pregnancy for the specified mother


  • 1 = Preterm contractions
  • 2 = Shortened cervix
  • 3 = Preterm rupture of membranes
  • 4 = Antepartum bleeding
  • 5 = Intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR)
  • 6 = Preeclampsia/HELLP
  • 7 = Hypertension
  • 8 = Gestational diabetes (unspecified type)
  • 8.1 = Gestational diabetes (Diet)
  • 8.2 = Gestational diabetes (Insulin)
  • 9 = Placental abruption
  • 10 = Placenta praevia
  • 99 = Other, specify in PROB_S
type of obstetrical problem
description of other (99) obstetrical problem
numeric (mm)
In case of shortened cervix, the length of the cervix in millimeters.

QA Checks

TableCrosstableError CodeDescriptionStudy specificHICDEP?
AllTablesCrossTableATC001any date in database after DEATH_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC002any date in database after DROP_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC003any date in database before BIRTH_D in tblBAS Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC004any date in database in the future Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC005patients submitted previously who have been missed out Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC006Any fields not coded as coding lists on table definition Yes
tblPREG_OBSCrossTablePOC001MOTHER_ID+PREG_SEQ doesn't exist in tblPREG Yes
tblPREG_OBSWithinTablePOW001PROB_T=99 but PROB_S null Yes
tblPREG_OBSWithinTablePOW002PROB_T<>99 but PROB_S non null Yes
tblPREG_OBSWithinTablePOW003PROB_T=2 but CERVIX_S null Yes
tblPREG_OBSWithinTablePOW003PROB_T<>2 but CERVIX_S non null Yes