tblVIS - Basic follow-up/visit related data

holds visit related information such as weight, wasting, smoking, occupational status etc.

Core Fields

Note: Fields marked bold form the unique identifier for a record of the table.
Field name
character (or numeric if possible)
Code to identify patient (Cohort Patient ID)
Date of patient visit
Precision annotation variable for date of visit
Center the patient visits. Links to tblCENTER.
numeric (metric: kg): 999 = Unknown
Weight of patient at visit


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Is the patient gaining fat in the abdomen, neck, breast or other defined locations?


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Is the patient experiencing loss of fat from extremities, buttocks or face?
Depending on the collaboration this data might be collected in intervals of a year, e.g. from July last to July this year. In that case all visit dates or a fixed number of visit dates for that period should be gathered, if the patient did not have a visit in the defined period, a record with the PATIENT id and empty fields for VIS_D etc. should be included.

Additional Fields

Field name
character. see coding table for valid codings.
Clinical CDC stage at time of visit?


  • 1 = WHO Stage I
  • 2 = WHO Stage II
  • 3 = WHO Stage III
  • 4 = WHO Stage IV
  • 9 = Unknown
Clinical WHO stage at time of visit?


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Family history of CVD: Have any first degree relatives experienced myocardial infarction or stroke before the age of 50 years?
The following optional fields are meant to be used to document the transition process from adolescent to adult.


  • 1 = paediatric
  • 2 = adolescent within paediatric care
  • 3 = adolescent within adult care
  • 4 = adolescent stand alone
  • 5 = adult
  • 9 = missing
Type of clinic/service the patient is currently attending


  • 1 = Physician providing paediatric care
  • 2 = Physician providing adolescent care
  • 3 = Physician providing adult care
  • 4 = Physician providing paediatric and adult care
  • 5 = other healthcare provider (e.g. nurse)
  • 9 = missing
Type of specialist providing care. Combinations if multiple specialists are involved (e.g. 23, 45).


  • 0 = transition not started
  • 1 = transition in progress
  • 2 = transition completed
  • 9 = not applicable/missing
Stage of transition from pediatric to adult care at current visit.
Transition has not yet started when the patient only sees paediatricians.
Transition is complete when the patient only sees adult physicians.
The following fields are meant to be used for adolescents and adults.
numeric. see coding table for valid codings.
What is the patient's current situation regarding labour?
numeric. see coding table for valid codings.
If the patient is an employee, what is the type of the patient's employment contract?


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Is the patient currently a smoker?


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Is the patient currently pregnant? If possible, provide additional details in tblPREG


  • 1 = Male
  • 2 = Female
  • 3 = Transgender male
  • 4 = Transgender female
  • 5 = Other
  • 9 = Unknown
Current gender identification


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Is the patient currently attending school or on break for customary school holidays?
numeric: see coding table
Current level of education (ISCED97 refers to the 1997 International Standard Classification of Education)
The following fields are meant to be used for HIV-infected children and adolescents only.


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 2 = Disclosure ongoing
  • 9 = Unknown
Does the patient know his/her HIV status?
The following fields are meant to be used for children and infants.
numeric (metric in m). 999 = Unknown
Height/length of patient at visit in meters (m)
  • 1 = Mother
  • 2 = Father
  • 12 = Mother and Father
  • 3 = Foster family
  • 4 = Institution
  • 9 = Other
Child lives with/in


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Is child healthy?


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Is the Patient currently receiving Foods or liquids other than breast milk?


  • 1 = Mother
  • 2 = Father
  • 3 = Sibling
  • 4 = Grandparent
  • 5 = Aunt or Uncle
  • 6 = Self
  • 7 = Other family member
  • 8 = Other non-family member
  • 9 = Unknown
  • 10 = Other non-coded
Who is the patient's primary caregiver?


  • 1 = Mother
  • 2 = Father
  • 3 = Sibling
  • 4 = Grandparent
  • 5 = Aunt or Uncle
  • 6 = Self
  • 7 = Other family member
  • 8 = Other non-family member
  • 9 = Unknown
  • 10 = Other non-coded
Who brought the Patient to this clinic visit?


  • 1 = HIV exposed, status indeterminate
  • 2 = HIV infected
  • 3 = HIV uninfected
Current HIV status
The following fields are meant to be used for infants:
Height/length of patient at visit in percentiles
Weight of patient at visit in percentiles
Head circumference measured in millimeters (mm)
Head circumference in percentiles


  • 0 = No
  • 1 = Yes
  • 9 = Unknown
Currently Breastfeeding?

QA Checks

TableCrosstableError CodeDescriptionStudy specificHICDEP?
AllTablesCrossTableATC001any date in database after DEATH_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC002any date in database after DROP_D in tblLTFU Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC003any date in database before BIRTH_D in tblBAS Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC004any date in database in the future Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC005patients submitted previously who have been missed out Yes
AllTablesCrossTableATC006Any fields not coded as coding lists on table definition Yes
tblVISWithinTableVW001Duplicate records, same VIS_D Yes
tblVISWithinTableVW002Height decreasing over time Yes
tblVISWithinTableVW003Height out of acceptable range Yes
tblVISWithinTableVW004Weight out of acceptable range Yes
tblVISCrossTableVC001patient has no record in BAS table Yes
tblVISCrossTableVC002No weights within 3 mths of starting FPV/DRVEPPICCYes