Explanation of variable:
Code representing the measurement
A1C | Haemoglobin A1C |
ACRA | Albumin Creatinin Ratio |
AFP | Alfa Fetoprotein |
ALB | Albumine |
ALP | Alkaline Phosphatase |
ALT | Alanin-Aminotransferase |
AMY | Amylase |
AST | Aspartat aminotransferase |
BIL | Total Bilirubin |
BUN | Blood Urea Nitrogen |
CD3 | CD3 |
CD3P | % CD3 of leukocytes |
CD8 | CD8 |
CD8P | % CD8 of leukocytes |
CHOL | Total Cholesterol |
CL- | Cl- |
CRE | Creatinine |
DIPB | Dipstick result for blood in Urine |
DIPG | Dipstick result for glucose in Urine |
DIPK | Dipstick result for ketones in Urine |
DIPLE | Dipstick result for leucocyte esterase in Urine |
DIPP | Dipstick result for protein in Urine |
GGT | Gamma-glutamyltransferase |
GLUC | Glucose |
HAEM | Haemoglobin |
HDL | Serum HDL |
HEMA | Hematocrit |
IGRA | Interferon-Gamma Release Assay |
INR | Quick/INR |
LACT | Lactate |
LDL | Serum LDL |
LEUK | Leukocytes |
LYM | Lymphocytes |
LYMP | % Lymphocytes of leukocytes |
NA+ | Na+ |
NEU | Neutrophils |
PCRA | Protein Creatinin Ratio |
PHA | PH arterial |
PHV | PH venous |
PP | PP factor (II, VII, X) |
PROT | Protein |
PSA | Prostate-specific antigen |
PTH | Parathyroid Hormone |
PTR | Prothrombin rate |
TBC | TB culture |
TBGX | TB GeneXpert |
TBHIST | TB histology |
TBM | TB smear/microscopy |
TBNAAT | TB NAAT/LPA (non-GeneXpert) |
THR | Thrombocytes |
TRIG | Serum Triglyceride |
URA | Uric acid |
UREA | Urea/Blood Urea Nitrogen |