AMI | DAMI | Definitive Myocardial infarction |
AMI | PAMI | Possible Myocardial infarction |
FRA | CESP | Cervical spine |
FRA | COLB | Collar bone |
FRA | FABO | Facial bones (including nose) |
FRA | FEM | Femur |
FRA | FING | Fingers |
FRA | HIP | Hip |
FRA | LOAR | Lower arm (including hands) |
FRA | LOLG | Lower leg (including feet) |
FRA | LUSP | Lumbar spine |
FRA | OTH | Other |
FRA | RIB | Rib |
FRA | SHOU | Shoulder |
FRA | SKUL | Skull |
FRA | TOE | Toes |
FRA | TOSP | Thoracic spine |
FRA | UPAR | Upper arm |
HEP | I | Hepatic encephalopathy stage I |
HEP | II | Hepatic encephalopathy stage II |
HEP | III | Hepatic encephalopathy stage III |
HEP | III+IV | Hepatic encephalopathy stage III or IV |
HEP | IV | Hepatic encephalopathy stage IV |
ICP | ANG | Invasive Cardiovascular Procedures: Coronary angioplasty/stenting |
ICP | BYP | Invasive Cardiovascular Procedures: Coronary artery by-pass grafting |
ICP | END | Invasive Cardiovascular Procedures: Carotic endarterectomy |
LIVB | F0 | no fibrosis |
LIVB | F1 | portal fibrosis without septa |
LIVB | F2 | portal fibrosis with few septa |
LIVB | F3 | numerous septa without cirrhosis |
LIVB | F4 | cirrhosis |
NADM | ALL | Leukemia: Acute lymphoid |
NADM | AML | Leukemia: Acute myeloid |
NADM | ANAL | Anal dysplasia, grade 2 or higher |
NADM | ANUS | Anal cancer |
NADM | BLAD | Bladder cancer |
NADM | BRAIN | Brain cancer |
NADM | BRCA | Breast cancer |
NADM | CERV | Cervical dysplasia/carcinoma in situ, grade 2 or higher |
NADM | CLL | Leukemia: Chronic lymphoid |
NADM | CML | Leukemia: Chronic myeloid |
NADM | COLO | Colon cancer |
NADM | COTC | Connective tissue cancer |
NADM | HDL | Hodgkin lymphoma |
NADM | HENE | Head and neck cancer |
NADM | KIDN | Kidney cancer |
NADM | LEUK | Leukemia: unspecified |
NADM | LIPC | Lip cancer |
NADM | LIVR | Liver cancer |
NADM | LUNG | Lung cancer |
NADM | MALM | Malignant melanoma |
NADM | MEAC | Metastasis: of adenocarcinoma |
NADM | MEOC | Metastasis: of other cancertype |
NADM | MESC | Metastasis: of squamuos cell carcinoma |
NADM | META | Metastasis: unspecified |
NADM | MULM | Multiple myeloma |
NADM | PENC | Penile cancer |
NADM | PROS | Prostate cancer |
NADM | RECT | Rectum cancer |
NADM | STOM | Stomach cancer |
NADM | TESE | Testicular seminoma |
NADM | UTER | Uterus cancer |
STR | SHAE | Stroke: Haemorrhagia |
STR | SINF | Stroke: Infarction |
STR | SUNK | Stroke: Unknown |