CEP_SPEC field

Containing table:
Explanation of variable:
further specification
Format of data:
character. see coding table for valid codings.

Coding Table

Note: The codes for NADM are tentative and subject to change for the next release.
Code (CEP_ID)Code (CEP_SPEC)Description
AMIDAMIDefinitive Myocardial infarction
AMIPAMIPossible Myocardial infarction
FRACESPCervical spine
FRACOLBCollar bone
FRAFABOFacial bones (including nose)
FRALOARLower arm (including hands)
FRALOLGLower leg (including feet)
FRALUSPLumbar spine
FRATOSPThoracic spine
FRAUPARUpper arm
HEPIHepatic encephalopathy stage I
HEPIIHepatic encephalopathy stage II
HEPIIIHepatic encephalopathy stage III
HEPIII+IVHepatic encephalopathy stage III or IV
HEPIVHepatic encephalopathy stage IV
ICPANGInvasive Cardiovascular Procedures: Coronary angioplasty/stenting
ICPBYPInvasive Cardiovascular Procedures: Coronary artery by-pass grafting
ICPENDInvasive Cardiovascular Procedures: Carotic endarterectomy
LIVBF0no fibrosis
LIVBF1portal fibrosis without septa
LIVBF2portal fibrosis with few septa
LIVBF3numerous septa without cirrhosis
NADMALLLeukemia: Acute lymphoid
NADMAMLLeukemia: Acute myeloid
NADMANALAnal dysplasia, grade 2 or higher
NADMANUSAnal cancer
NADMBLADBladder cancer
NADMBRAINBrain cancer
NADMBRCABreast cancer
NADMCERVCervical dysplasia/carcinoma in situ, grade 2 or higher
NADMCLLLeukemia: Chronic lymphoid
NADMCMLLeukemia: Chronic myeloid
NADMCOLOColon cancer
NADMCOTCConnective tissue cancer
NADMHDLHodgkin lymphoma
NADMHENEHead and neck cancer
NADMKIDNKidney cancer
NADMLEUKLeukemia: unspecified
NADMLIPCLip cancer
NADMLIVRLiver cancer
NADMLUNGLung cancer
NADMMALMMalignant melanoma
NADMMEACMetastasis: of adenocarcinoma
NADMMEOCMetastasis: of other cancertype
NADMMESCMetastasis: of squamuos cell carcinoma
NADMMETAMetastasis: unspecified
NADMMULMMultiple myeloma
NADMPENCPenile cancer
NADMPROSProstate cancer
NADMRECTRectum cancer
NADMSTOMStomach cancer
NADMTESETesticular seminoma
NADMUTERUterus cancer
STRSHAEStroke: Haemorrhagia
STRSINFStroke: Infarction
STRSUNKStroke: Unknown