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0 Replies and 7783 Views tblPREG - Pregnancy Discussion with IeDEA (1)  7783  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear All This is the first topic with discussions of tables related to pregnant women and pregnancy outcomes in view of potential inclusion of some of the tables/variables in the IeDEA data harmonization efforts. Please see for the current version BM suggests to consider the use of the two key fields MOTHER_ID Patient ID of mother of child PREG_SEQ Sequence number of the pregnancy for the specified mother pl...
0 7783
20 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 6657 Views Transition from Child to Adult  6657  1 Started by  SuperUser Account The topic is currently discussed with the IAS initiative CIPHER. We propose to add the following additional fields to tblVIS: CLINIC_TYPE: Type of clinic / service 1 paediatric 2 adolescent within paediatric care 3 adolescent within adult care 4 adolescent stand alone 5 adult 9 missing SPEC_TYPE: Type of specialist providing care 1 paediatric 4 adolescent 5 adult physician 9 missing TRANS_STAGE: Stage of tr...
1 6657
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
20 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7751 Views HICDEP Release 1.90  7751  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all We have just released HICDEP version 1.90. As always, you can find a PDF version attached. Best regards, Raphael Fuchs
0 7751
19 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
3 Replies and 8624 Views Request for new ART_RS codes  8624  3 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, I got a request for additional codes to be included in ART_RS. Those are: 4.1, Hypersensitivity reaction - Allergic reaction 4.2, Hypersensitivity reaction - Anaphylactic reaction Any comments or suggestions from anyone Casper
3 8624
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
12 Nov 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7724 Views coding AIDS_defining conditions  7724  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, I received the following question from the PISCIS cohort. ' I am reviewing the coding of AIDS-defining conditions and for one of our centres, I have to extract from a long list of their ICD10 diagnosis codes, CDC-C and B conditions. For some this is easy (Kaposi) but for others (e.g. recurrent salmonella), it is less so or at least there are more choices to be made. Mulling over the best way of doing this I wondered for the sake of consistency whether you had any ...
0 7724
13 Oct 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7559 Views Stop-Reason: Regular treatment termination for non-ART drugs  7559  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello While for ART (currently) a regular treatment termination seems not possible, for other mediations (tblMED) this situation occurs quite frequently (e.g. HCV, antibiotic treatmens etc.). I therefore suggest to add a separate code for regular treatment termination. Numbers which could be assigned are 92.5, 95.1, other suggestions Best, Bruno
0 7559
28 Sep 2015 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 6749 Views New table: tblCENTER  6749  1 Started by  SuperUser Account We have adopted tblCENTER from IeDEA - Thanks to IeDEA for sharing! This table contains information about the Center in general, such a geographical location, situation, level of care, population served and administrative dates. Please review and contribute to the discussion. Is the variable ADULTPED precise enough Do we need additional administrative dates (e.g. related to censoring of data) Best Bruno
1 6749
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
10 Sep 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7617 Views Reasons for stopping medication - new codes  7617  0 Started by  SuperUser Account As we are also using the stop reasons for non-ART drugs we have to expand the current codes. Two situations just were raised from the SHCS: Risk for bone toxicity (osteoporosis) Finished regular treatment (e.g. for other antibiotics) Are there other situations you have encountered Are you aware of an internationally accepted broader coding scheme Thanks for your input Bruno
0 7617
11 Jun 2015 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 8662 Views Country Code for Republic of Kosovo  8662  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, we have received a request concerning the country code for the Republic of Kosovo. So far we didn't define such a code, this is due to the fact that there doens't yet exist an official (ISO 3166-1) encoding for Kosovo. We have decided to wait until Kosovo is added to the ISO 3166-1 list, instead of define a code on our own. Best wishes, Patrick
0 8662
04 May 2015 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 7536 Views Clinical events coding  7536  2 Started by  SuperUser Account Hi We have been looking at the case definitions for the clinical events coding (tblCEP). Our UK Register of HIV Seroconverters cohort does not systematically capture such detailed information as listed in the HICDEP case definitions. We ask physicians to report on whether the patient had, for example, 'liver disease' or 'diabetes', leaving it up to the clinician's interpretation, with a space for the clinician to write their own details alongside this in free text (usually qui...
2 7536
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
04 Mar 2015 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 6773 Views GP120 sequence data  6773  1 Started by  SuperUser Account I received the following email, which sparked this post: I have a question about LAB_RES_LVL2 table. When I compile the GP120 sequence data, I have the co-receptor result (CCR5 or CXCR4) and the full positive rate (percentage number). In which of the cells of LAB_RES_LVL2 table should I insert these data Now my question is as follows: AS far as I can see this situation is not covered in the existing RES tables in HICDEP. I am not a bio-informatics person and have no...
1 6773
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
03 Mar 2015 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 6674 Views tblART and tblMED  6674  1 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear, PLease find below a message from the FHDH cohort about misclassified treatment in tblMED and ART. Could we discuss this Dear Monique, The misclassified treatments in COHERE 2015's Merger MED and ART tables, are : J05AF08 J05AF10 J05AF11 J05AF12 These are HBV antiviral treatments and not antiretroviral treatments. Therefore, they should be classified in MED table and not in ARV table Best regards Hana
1 6674
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
03 Mar 2015 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 6905 Views tblART (see also message 147)  6905  2 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, Please find below a question from the PISCIS cohort: 'Some of our hospitals have started to dispense Cabotegravir (GSK-744) and I cannot find either an ATC or a HICDEP code for this. Is there one in the pipeline' How do we code new (ART)medication not yet an ATC code assigned Monique
2 6905
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
02 Mar 2015 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 6742 Views ART_RS: Reason for stopping treatment  6742  1 Started by  SuperUser Account In HICDEP 1.8 one of the reasons for stopping treatment is 'defaulter' (code 94.2). Can somebody explain to me what is meant with this Thanks a lot, Monique
1 6742
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
12 Jan 2015 12:00 AM
4 Replies and 5992 Views Causes of death codes specific for the TB-HIV study  5992  4 Started by  SuperUser Account At CHIP we would like to have added the following 'Causes of death' codes specific for the TB-HIV study. To add under: 01.1 (AIDS infection) 01.1.1 Tuberculosis Pulmonary tuberculosis Extrapulmonary TB Pleura (isolated, without lungs involvement) Lymphatic intrathoracic (isolated, without lungs involvement) Lymphatic extrathoracic Pericardia Spine Bone/joints...
4 5992
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
19 Dec 2014 12:00 AM
3 Replies and 5950 Views Modification coding table ART  5950  3 Started by  SuperUser Account Could the following treatment be added to the coding table for ART J05AX12= Dolutegravir V03AX03= Cobistat And the following coded be deleted from the table ART J05AE06 Lopinavir/Ritonavir (Kaletra) has been replaced by J05AR10 Kaletra/Aluvia (Lopinavir/Ritonavir) Thanks, Monique
3 5950
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
18 Dec 2014 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 7705 Views Can we please add the following value to lab_u: 19=ng/mL  7705  2 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello :) For a hepatitis project in COHERE, we are using the lab-type 'AFP' (Alpha1 fetoprotein). The unit most commonly used to measure this is ng/mL (nanograms per milliliter) Can we please add the following value to lab_u: 19=ng/mL Best Regards, Rikke
2 7705
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
11 Dec 2014 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 6608 Views DIS - opportunisticinfections and malignancies  6608  1 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello I had a request posed to me if we perhaps could put the text ' and malignancies' at the end of DIS description to make it clear that the opportunistic malignancies are here and not in the CEP table. Best, Rikke
1 6608
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
10 Dec 2014 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7592 Views tblLAB_VIRO  7592  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Hi, In COHERE we have added to the LAB_VIRO the following two tests: IGRA= interferon-Gamma Release Assay TST= Tuberculosis Skin Test or Mantoux test and an additional unit 4=mm ( for the TST test) Best, Monique
0 7592
23 Sep 2014 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7648 Views tblBAS  7648  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Hi, In COHERE we added to the tblBAS to variable COUNTRY to record the country of care. On the other hand we deleted the variable ORI_OTH, as with the introduction of the UN codes for region and country to code origin, the variable ORI_OTH became obsolete. Best, Monique
0 7648
23 Sep 2014 12:00 AM
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