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4 Replies and 5960 Views Name of tblAE  5960  4 Started by  SuperUser Account Hi everybody In our last telephone conference, we noted that the name of tblAE may not be the best fit, as it contains not only adverse events, but also clinical procedures and non-adverse events. Hence we propose to rename tblAE to tblCEP (Clinical Events and Procedures). To keep the column names consistent, we would rename AE_D, AE_ID, AE_SPEC to CEP_D, CEP_ID, CEP_SPEC (and do the same to the optional fields). In the coding table of the field AE_ID (CEP_ID)(http://www...
4 5960
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
08 Sep 2013 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5938 Views CoDe: Two new subcategories  5938  1 Started by  SuperUser Account I would like to suggest the addition of two subcategories for '08 - MI or other ischemic heart disease' new codes: 08.1 - AMI 08.2 - Other ischemic heart disease We need to distinguish between the two in DAD Best regards, Rikke
1 5938
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
05 Sep 2013 12:00 AM
5 Replies and 5770 Views Additions to tblMED  5770  5 Started by  SuperUser Account I would like to add a few Hep C drugs to tblMED please: Download this table as CSV file Download this table as XML file Codes (Extended ATC-Codes) Other HIV-related drugs J05AE12 Boceprevir (trade name Victrelis) J05AE11 Telaprevir (trade names Incivek and Incivo) Ashley
5 5770
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
19 Aug 2013 12:00 AM
6 Replies and 5782 Views tblBAS SEROHOW codes  5782  6 Started by  SuperUser Account In the DAD study we have a fourth option for the SEROHOW variable in tblBAS 4 = First pos HIV-1 test I would very much like the 'First pos HIV-1 test' option as part of the SEROHOW variable. If this could be added to HICDEP 1.70 I would appreciate it. I would suggest placing the 'Other' option just before 'Unknown' - In this case 8: 1 = Midpoint between last neg. and first pos. HIV-1 test 2 = Lab evidence of seroconversion ...
6 5782
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
31 Jul 2013 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5803 Views Cohere SOP versus HICDEP SOP  5803  1 Started by  SuperUser Account Will the SOP of Cohere from last spring (2013) be intergrated into the HICDEP SOP My syntaxes are now based on Cohere (especially tblAE is very different now) but HICDEP hasn't been changed.
1 5803
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
19 Jul 2013 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 5832 Views small addition LAB_RNA.RNA_T  5832  2 Started by  SuperUser Account I would like to add the Assay type for RNA: 42 = Abbott Real Time HIV M200 currently used in one of our DAD cohort
2 5832
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
07 May 2013 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7611 Views ethnic (Americas?)  7611  0 Started by  SuperUser Account I think perhaps the ethnicity variable in BAS has one 'wrong' code. Looking at it - there is a category 'Americas' which correspond to one of the original origin codes. But I don't see how this can be an ethnicity.
0 7611
23 Apr 2013 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 5785 Views How do I actually download data?  5785  2 Started by  SuperUser Account Folks, I have spent some time learning the structure of your database and I think I understand it. What I don't know how to do is to actually download data. Can you give me some info on how to download data Thanks so much for your time, KW
2 5785
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
21 Mar 2013 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 5780 Views LTFU and Certainty of death's cause  5780  2 Started by  SuperUser Account On the paper form for CoDe it is asked that the person give an indication of how certain the diagnosis is. This is writen as follows: Certainty of Diagnosis: Definite = 95-100 certainty, Likely = 80-95 certainty, Possible = 50-80 certainty I propose adding optional fields in the tblLTFU that can capture this information, for those cohorts that have it. suggested name: Death_RDC1, DEATH_RDC2 etc for as many DEATH_Rxx there ...
2 5780
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
19 Mar 2013 12:00 AM
4 Replies and 5822 Views Small amendments thread  5822  4 Started by  SuperUser Account Trying to use this thread for needed additional codes - thus only minor stuff that may not need a new thread each time. First one up (emerging from a EuroSIDA site): Cobas Ampliprep/Cobas TaqMan - HIV-1 test from ROCHE. - (Version 2.0) Suggested code: 67 Cobas 2.0 Ampliprep/TaqMan Honestly I'm getting confused about how these tests should be arranged/ordered/nested. Help would be most welcome...
4 5822
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
16 Mar 2013 12:00 AM
7 Replies and 5966 Views LAB_ID duplicate tests  5966  7 Started by  SuperUser Account The LAB_ID 'WBC' and 'LEUK' are referring to the same blood test to measure the number of white blood cells. Please delete 'LEUK'from the coding list.
7 5966
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
19 Feb 2013 12:00 AM
3 Replies and 5908 Views QA check changes so far  5908  3 Started by  SuperUser Account I've updated the QA checks with issues that have already been resolved (and a few cases of duplicate codes), here's a quick overview of the changes since 1.60: Deleted Tablename WithinTable or CrossTable Error Code Description of inconsistency Study Specific HICDEP tblLAB WithinTable LW006 Missing LAB_LLN YES tblLAB WithinTable LW007 Missing L...
3 5908
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
19 Feb 2013 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5835 Views LAB_ID  5835  1 Started by  SuperUser Account Could anyone please explain me the difference between ALP Alk.P.tase APT Alk. Phosphatate (Is this a spelling error) Which one is phosphatase alkaline (ALP or APT)
1 5835
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
19 Feb 2013 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5859 Views tblBAS CSV file ORIGIN  5859  1 Started by  SuperUser Account The download of the CVS file for ORIGIN is not correct.Please correct.
1 5859
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
13 Feb 2013 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7722 Views Non AIDS-defining malignancies (follow-up of discussion item 41)  7722  0 Started by  SuperUser Account I have involved Julia Bohlius from Bern who did several cancer-related analysis in COHERE and is co-chair of the IeDEA cancer working group. She will lead and share the discussion between HICDEP and IeDEA. Bruno
0 7722
30 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
3 Replies and 5872 Views --  5872  3 Started by  SuperUser Account I would like some additions to the list of AE_SPEC in relation to non-AIDS Defining Malignancies (NADM) ​ BONE=Bone cancer BRAC=Brain cancer ESOP=Esophagus cancer GALL=Gallbladder cancer GYCA=Gynaecologic cancer HENE=Head and neck (incl. face) cancers PANC=Pancreas cancer OTH=Non-Aids Defining Malignancy: Other They do not conflict with already existing AE_SPE...
3 5872
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
29 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
4 Replies and 5811 Views Code for Unknown Origin  5811  4 Started by  SuperUser Account Hi All, I'm starting the CASCADE data checks and realized that we do not have an unknown coding for Origin in tblBAS. There currently is not a 99 UN code, but I'm hesitant to use this for Unknown as the UN codes we're using span roughly 0-1,000. We could use 999 Does anyone have thoughts Ashley
4 5811
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
28 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
5 Replies and 5831 Views Error Checks that I am not sure are right  5831  5 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello all I am currently spending my time making sure that the Quality Assurance Checks in the HIV DDM tool reflect the HICDEP 1.60 error-codes. In this more detailed process of going through the tables I noticed some odd things. for tblLAB_VIRO Error Code LVW001 for tblLAB_VIRO is in fact NOT a 'Within-Table' check as it is defined as 'Patient has no record in BAS' - I would suggest renaming this check 'LVC001' and moving it to the 'Cross-Table' section of the qa checks. I am n...
5 5831
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
15 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5908 Views LAB_CD4: QA error coded CW009  5908  1 Started by  SuperUser Account LAB_CD4 Could anyone tell me how you would program the following QA check: CW009 -CD4 counts spike up or down suddenly (large change in less than a year)-. How would you qualify 'spike uu or down suddenly' Thanks, Monique
1 5908
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
14 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
10 Replies and 5932 Views Ability to store QA check results  5932  10 Started by  SuperUser Account Hello On behalf of the D:A:D datamanagers I would like to suggest a format for Error checks and the result on running them. And also a possibility of capturing feedback such as 'verified' for outliers. A QA check table should include: 'Error Code' - the QA-check Identifier (e.g. 'VW004' for the weight out of acceptable range) the 'unique identifier' from the table that triggered the error (e.g. PATIENTVIS_D for tblVIS) And the 'Verified' field to allow for ...
10 5932
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
14 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
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