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1 Replies and 6473 Views LAB_CD4: QA error codedLAB_CD4: QA error coded CW009 CW009  6473  1 Started by  SuperUser Account LAB_CD4 Could anyone tell me how you would program the following QA check: CW009 -CD4 counts spike up or down suddenly (large change in less than a year)-. How would you qualify 'spike uu or down suddenly' Thanks, Monique
1 6473
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
14 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5655 Views LAB_CD8  5655  1 Started by  SuperUser Account Would it be possible to create a table LAB_CD8 in HICDEP 1.70 based on the table LAB_CD4 in HICDEP 1.60 (and previous versions)
1 5655
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
11 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7548 Views small formatting error in a table in the wiki  7548  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Coding Table: Early childhood-related adverse events DEVD Developmental delay is set as heading of the table - but should be a category.
0 7548
10 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 5689 Views tblMED and tblART: define category of medication/treatment  5689  2 Started by  SuperUser Account At the HICDEP version 1.60 it is described that the tblMED holds type, date , value and unit for other HIV related medicines. I think we should change this into next version into tblMED holds type, date, value and unit for medication/treatment. Moreover I would like to introduce a variable (e.g MED_CAT) to define a category of medication/treatment e.g. HIV, HBV and HCV. I would also suggest to introduce a similar variable in the tblART to define a category of medication/treatme...
2 5689
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
08 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5624 Views tblVIS new fields  5624  1 Started by  SuperUser Account For HICDEP 1.70 I would like to suggest the inclusion of smoking status/smoking history and family history of AMI. FAM_Y = 'First degree relative with AMI before age 50' (coded yes/no/unknown) SMK_Y = 'Is the patient currently a smoker' (coded yes/no/unknown) And optionally the smoking history: SMD_Y = 'Was the patient ever a smoker' (coded yes/no/unknown) This provides valuable insight into some of the cardiovascular risks of the individu...
1 5624
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
03 Jan 2013 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7439 Views Fixed dose, generics and trade names  7439  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, As discussed in the recent meetings, there is interest in capturing data on fixed dose drugs and generics by recording trade names. Please share any comments you have on this topic, e.g. regarding how this should relate to the current tables tblMED and tblART, how trade names should be coded, any issues with capturing this data, etc. Kind regards, Mark
0 7439
27 Nov 2012 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7337 Views Fixed dose, generics and trade names  7337  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, As discussed in the recent meetings, there is interest in capturing data on fixed dose drugs and generics by recording trade names. Please share any comments you have on this topic, e.g. regarding how this should relate to the current tables tblMED and tblART, how trade names should be coded, any issues with capturing this data, etc. Kind regards, Mark
0 7337
27 Nov 2012 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7154 Views changes to hicdep  7154  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Discussions between CASCADE and COHERE lead to the inclusion of a few new variables in tblBAS in hicdep: tblBAS - Basic clinical, background and demographic information Field name Format Description RECART_D yyyy-mm-dd Date ART started LTART_D yyyy-mm-dd Date last assessed for ART. If started ART, last date known to be on ART, or if not on ART, last date ART free.
0 7154
16 Nov 2012 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7334 Views HICDEP 1.60 released  7334  0 Started by  SuperUser Account HICDEP 1.60 released ¶ HICDEP 1.60 has been released as of 23 October 2012. See the ChangeLog for a list of changes since version 1.50. The online version is accessible via while a PDF printout can be downloaded from If you have questions or comments, do not hesitate to contact
0 7334
23 Oct 2012 12:00 AM
5 Replies and 5758 Views HICDEP 1.60 release candidate  5758  5 Started by  SuperUser Account After a few more changes in the last week, the HICDEP 1.60 specification is now in release candidate state. The PDF has been updated. To reiterate, the release process is as follows: WP4 members should forward the release candidate to any data managers or researchers they know who might have valuable feedback. As there is no TC scheduled, WP4 members should reply to this discussion with an acknowledgement of the changes, whether any issues are found or not. In 3 ...
5 5758
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
21 Oct 2012 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7138 Views HICDEP 1.60 changes  7138  0 Started by  SuperUser Account As discussed in the last TC, I have updated the ChangeLog to describe the HICDEP 1.60 changes. Pending a few minor issues, I will issue a release candidate next week, including a downloadable PDF. Once the release candidate is out, the release process will roughly follow the ReleaseProcess outlined by Simon: WP4 members should forward the release candidate to any data managers or researchers they know who might have valuable feedback. As there is no TC scheduled, WP4 me...
0 7138
19 Sep 2012 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7783 Views Coding Table for HCV geno-/subtypes  7783  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear All Thank you for commenting on the HCV geno-/subtype draft table for HICDEP 1.60 Coding Table for HCV geno- and subtypes: From ​ Classifications The most commonly used classification of Hepatitis C virus has HCV divide...
0 7783
28 Aug 2012 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5669 Views coding of HIV subtypes and CRFs  5669  1 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, Margaret May proposed a unified encoding for HIV subtypes and CRFs. This concerns the field SUBTYPE of table tblLAB_RES. I forward the document on her behalf: ART-CC has an approved concept sheet to look at prognosis by subtypes. We have looked at the subtype data in the current COHERE database and have found that there is no standardisation of terminology for subtypes and CRFs. We would like to pro...
1 5669
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
24 Aug 2012 12:00 AM
3 Replies and 6141 Views New variables to add to tblBAS in Hicdep 1.6New variables to add to tblBAS in Hicdep 1.6  6141  3 Started by  SuperUser Account tblBAS - Basic clinical, background and demographic information The current Ethnicity variable is catered to an American audience. COHERE and CASCADE both agree this variable should be re-evaluated and re-formatted so it can be universal. Additionally, CASCADE does not collect Ethnicity in this way, as it is not relevant to our cohorts. We suggest there to be a further discussion on Ethnicity and to invite relevant individuals to this discussion. Please sug...
3 6141
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
23 Aug 2012 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5769 Views coding of adherence data  5769  1 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, Margaret May proposed a coding for adherence data (self-reported as well as based on prescription refill). I forward the document on her behalf: Please see attached discussion document which details the current data ART-CC have received on adherence. We think including prescription refill data in HICDEP would not be problematical. However, self - report adherence questionnaires are not stand...
1 5769
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
14 Aug 2012 12:00 AM
4 Replies and 6127 Views SES - Educational level  6127  4 Started by  SuperUser Account Dear all, With regard to the socio-economic status (SES) variables, I'd like to propose the following encoding for the educational level: Field name Format Description EDU_LVL character: 0 = Pre-primary...
4 6127
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
14 Aug 2012 12:00 AM
5 Replies and 5728 Views HCV Update  5728  5 Started by  SuperUser Account Part of work package 3 (task 3.9) indicates commitment to exploring Hepatitis C. To carry out this work, more HCV data needs to be collected, in particular HCV tretment, HCV genotype and subtype. I'm suggesting we add a HCV table to HICDEP with similar specification as tblART. Please see below for my version of the proposed table. I also would like to suggest adding two fields to tblLAB_VIRO, namely HCV geotype and HCV subtype. tblHCV - Hepatitis C treatm...
5 5728
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
25 Jun 2012 12:00 AM
2 Replies and 5779 Views Rationale for inclusion of occupational status within datasets for WP4  5779  2 Started by  SuperUser Account As discussed at the TC of May, 29th, we would like to invite the cohorts to comment on the following rational: Employment is a major factor in maintaining income levels and living conditions, especially among persons with long-lasting chronic diseases. In addition, unemployment has been shown to be an independent predictor of morbidity and mortality both in the general population and among HIV-infected people. ...
2 5779
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
25 Jun 2012 12:00 AM
0 Replies and 7450 Views HCV in tblLAB_RES  7450  0 Started by  SuperUser Account Following the discussion of the February TC, I went ahead and made the changes such that tblLAB_RES and its level-specific subtables may also encode HCV resistance test results. It turned out to require a few changes we didn't anticipate in the first place, so I'd like to encourage you review the current draft. As discussed, I added a variable VIRUSTYPE to tblLAB_RES which allows to distinguish HCV and HIV entries. However, this change also impli...
0 7450
11 Apr 2012 12:00 AM
1 Replies and 5741 Views Changes to HICDEP: QA check tblLAB_RNA  5741  1 Started by  SuperUser Account Please note that there is a typo error in the QA checks RW003 and RW008 for the tblLAB_RNA. RNA_U should be RNA_UL Monique
1 5741
by  SuperUser AccountJump to last post
12 Mar 2012 12:00 AM
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